If everyone were to remain silent and have their voices stifled by fear of punishment, what kind of place would that be? Everyone should have the right to voice their concerns or complaints to the government and face punishment with their heads up. It takes a lot of bravery to stand up to those who oppress you, both physically and emotionally, but in the end it would be worth it, because you know you didn't act cowardly, but fought valiantly for what you believed in.
Many people speak out against what they think is wrong (e.g. Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King etc.); these people usually end up in prison or shot. But there isn't an entirely fair reason behind killing/imprisoning those who voice opinions. We all have different opinions, and though the authority might not agree completely with the people's opinion; it's the authority's job to consider the opinions, instead of putting them in jail, or executing them for not agreeing with what the authority thinks. Sadly, this is not considered by all governments or authorities.
We should all have the guts; and it should be acceptable to say what we believe in, and be proud of it. There are others like you, who will agree with what you have to say. You have the power to inspire those people with your words or opinion to make a difference and say what they think is right.
This is why I strongly disagree with the fact that "it's somehow better to remain silent than to speak out and risk punishment". In the end you'll know and feel deep inside your heart a nagging guilt and feeling of betrayal asking you why you didn't defend what you believed in.