

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Luttrell Psalter

The Luttrell Psalter portrays contemporary rustic life during the period of time in the Middle Ages. It contrasts the two immensely different lives of those of the high class and the serfs. It is an immense collection of paintings that are illustrated and filled with detail. Through it, we can see the everyday lives of the serfs during that time period, as well as the work they did to satisfy their lord, earn money, and partially fill their bellies. It is a primary source because the person who painted and drew the Luttrell Psalter was most likely there to paint the scenes and saw each and every one of the events that you can see in the scenes. The document was created during the Middle Ages. What makes the Luttrell Psalter such a unique document is the fact that it describes through paintings the lives of those who had to work for lords to make a living. Most of the serfs shown in the painting were malnourished and were painted a sickly, pale color. Detail, one of the Luttrell Psalter's most prominent factors is another reason that makes it so distinctive in style; elaborate detail wasn't very common at the time. The final factor that makes it so unique is the reality put into it; the workers painted aren't happy or content to be working at fields in the hot sun at minimum wage. Instead the artist painted tired workers with sore backs that are eager to get back home. It revolves around the reality, that most people might not want to see, but on the whole is an example of England during that era.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Learning Profile: A

I'm an A Profile in the Logic Hemisphere.

I learn best when focusing on the details and understanding the details before getting to the whole picture. This can make it difficult for me, as I might have very good detail but the whole picture might be messy. I need to explore seeing and analyzing info from a whole perspective and the possibility of interpreting an expression in two or more distinct ways (ambiguity). I have all Sensory-Motor Modalities available, even when under stress. The strategies that would help me in my learning would be knowing and having a full idea of what would be happening in class that day as well as having clear and ordered guidelines. When stressed it's difficult for me to see the big picture and it's hard for me to access the Gestalt Hemisphere. I would benefit a lot from a balance of art, music, free-form movement and interpersonal/intra-personal skills.