

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Eli and Auden's Journey

'Together they embark on a quest: for Auden, to experience the carefree teenage life she's been denied. For Eli, to put a tragic episode behind him. Combine two lonely people with a charming beach town and an endless supply of long summer nights, and just about anything can happen.'

:Excerpted from the blurb:

This excerpt from the blurb is the one I think best describes the journey that occurs in this book. Partly as the blurb has always done a magnificent job of providing short summaries of the book, and in this particular case: their quest or journey. Now, to break it down piece by piece, to put the meaning of it all together.

Auden, the first protagonist in this story is a teenage girl, with a rather unfortunate name. She was named after her Fathers favorite poet: W.H Auden. The story is written in her voice. Her background: her parents divorced after having two kids; Auden and her older brother Hollis (named after Detram Hollis, her father's favorite professor). Hollis was a tricky child and described as "colicky", so he got the chance to enjoy his wild, typical life. Once Auden was born, she didn't get to enjoy the typical teenage life. She was responsible for her age, and not very social, which then made her parents deny her a proper life. During the divorce she developed a slight case of insomnia. They had let Hollis have his wild life, and were very tired of that, so took that away from Auden. So now that you properly understand Auden and why and how she was denied that type of teenage life, we can move on.

Now Eli, in inaccurate terms could be described as Auden's complete opposite. As well as a very compatible match for Auden. He has a rather normal name and had a proper childhood. With the works: a functional mom and dad relationship, lots of friends, he was a professional bike rider, had a best friend named Abe and a typical teenage life. He had other brothers and sisters who were treated the same way. In fact, Eli thought that he had had TOO much fun in his life. Though at some point in his life he and Abe were involved in a mind blowing accident. Eli was driving them home after a bike tournament and they were hit by a drunk driver. It was a drastic turn of events, as Abe died, and Eli survived. A year later and Eli still harbored the pain in him.

They meet in Colby when Auden goes to visit her dad, his new wife Heidi and their new baby Thisbe. Eli takes her around town in the night, as he is as well a fellow insomniac. This might of developed after the accident. They spend their time introducing Auden to all of the things and events she never got to experience. For example, bowling and going to clubs. She also manages to find herself, who isn't as similar to her Mom as she thought. During this time, Eli starts to patch up the hurt from the dramatic events that had happened. They embark together on their quests, which coincidentally become one journey leading to: who knows where?

Along for the Ride is a suitable title for the book as they are literally going for rides in car that lead to many teenage experiences. Metaphorically they are just going along, gut for gut and trying to stick it out, as their destiny unfolds. Leading them to each other, and creating new self images for both of them.

So we fully understand the passage, it's hidden and clear meanings, as well as the character backgrounds. Now for the importance of this passage, as well as an explanation. This passage is important description of the journey as it lets the reader into Eli and Auden's magical world. Aiding the reader in the comprehension of the importance of the Eli, Auden relationship and their quests/journeys. From this Blurb you'd be able to sum up if this is the type of book you'd like to read and clue you in on the genre and plot. In my case, it just happened to fall into my favorite category of books and had a lot to do with quests and or journeys! Coincidence? I think not! That's just another journey, I'll have to follow with...


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cindy, you found a great quote..it really sets up thinking about what might happen during their journey. Interesting book it sounds like, I look forward to hearing more about it!
