***What if the world still held thousands of camps like Auschwitz? What would that be like?
***A world without freedom is unthinkable, it's a world without opportunities and choices. A world we'd all like to avoid.
***When and Why did Hitler persecute the Jews?--They had no part in the Treaty of Versailles.
***Were followers intimidated by Hitler? Did they ever think of overthrowing him?
***Did Hitler plan to take over the world, or was his goal: Central Europe?
***In Hitler's haze of dictatorship, I think he lost sight of what his plan was. And that plan was to redeem Germany. The moment he took control, he killed and persecuted tons of people and even created a stereotypical German face, a race of people who in his eyes had superior genetics.
***How was the Nazi sign chosen?
***Where did Adolf Hitler meet Eva?
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